When my teacher in school said “Pay Attention!” she really meant “Pay attention to ME!” I was already paying attention…to something else… more interesting that her.
I think a good question to ask is, “What am I paying attention to?”
The word “paying” implies that it’s costing me something. By engaging in this task or activity, I am spending time that I will never get back.
On a flight this past weekend from LA back to Nashville, I couldn’t help but notice how my fellow passengers spent their 4 ½ hours of flying time.
I’ll break it down like this:
60% watched movies on a phone or tablet
30% slept at a comfortable 85° incline
5% had conversations with their seatmate
5% read a book or magazine
Why do you think we choose disconnected activities more than we choose to connect and engage?
I think it’s easier.
I think it’s the path of least resistance.
I think it’s more comfortable.
I think we like flying on autopilot.
I think we like being entertained.
At the risk of seeming judgmental, I share this quote with you.
“Five years from today, you will be the same person that you are today, except for the books you read and the people you meet.”― Charlie "Tremendous" Jones
This week when you have 20 minutes free…
Call or text a friend or a sibling to ask how their week is going.
Read one chapter out of a book that’s been sitting on the nightstand for 7 months.
Sit in silence. Breathe and ask yourself the question, “What have I been paying attention to this week?”
Finally, I finished 1 ½ books and tried to talk to the older man next to me. Unfortunately, he was busy playing solitaire on his phone plus his hearing aides were turned down.
I love helping people who are struggling with getting this connection back. It's my passion and my mission. If you or someone you know if really struggling starting the year out would you send them my way. I'm here to help.
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