Confession: I love being comfortable!
Most of the things we do in life are done to bring us COMFORT.
Most of the things we avoid doing threaten to bring us DISCOMFORT.
What if we’ve become COMFORT ADDICTS though?
What if we’ve built up such an aversion to DISCOMFORT that it’s weakened us and strengthened our ANXIETY?
Could some of our ANXIETY stem from the fact that we’ve become so emotionally affluent that our anxiety alarm system has become too sensitive?
Could we have it so good in our lives that we’ve forgotten how to work through something hard, how to struggle, and how to overcome adversity?
Here’s the TRUTH:
You can do hard things because you have done hard things before and YOU SURVIVED!
Think of something you’ve been avoiding because it’s hard and it makes you anxious to think about doing it. Now go do that thing and get it over with. Now laugh at yourself for having put it off for this long.
Every day I help hurting frazzled people by walking with them as they get back on the path toward becoming who God created them to be. Shoot me an email if there’s anything I can do to help you or someone you know.
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