Day 3
One Healthy Way to Handle Intense Marriage Conflict (2 Minute Read)
At some point in your marriage, you’re going to have a disagreement that just seems insurmountable. Every time you talk about that topic, tempers seem to flare. Sometimes, it’s good to take a break and walk away so you don’t do more damage by saying something in the heat of the moment that you’ll later regret.
Here’s how it works:
1. Anyone can call a timeout at any time. Whichever one of you is the more emotionally in control and more mature will be the one who calls the timeout.
2. Always use the words “I” or “We” when calling a timeout. “I think we need a timeout.” Or “I think I need to take a break and calm down.” Never say, “YOU are out of control and YOU need a timeout.” (You get 1 guess on why I had to add this rule.)
3. Once the timeout has been called, the conversation on this topic is over. Do not be that person that has to get in the last word. Do not follow the other person around the house trying to continue the conversation. That is disrespectful. A cease fire is in effect. You may continue to communicate about other life circumstances, if possible, but this topic is off the table for further discussion at this time.
4. When you call a timeout, you MUST choose a time (preferably the same day) that you will get back together and address the disagreement. “Let’s meet back in the living room at 8pm after the kids are in bed to talk more.”
5. Use the time apart to consider your point as well as the other person’s point. Is this worth arguing about? Could the other person’s point have some validity? Did I come across accusatory or aggressive? Is my pride getting in the way of finding a resolution?
6. Meet back together at your specified time to continue to discuss the problem. Consider listening to one another more than talking at one another. Consider apologizing for your part in the disagreement and how you may have come across earlier.
Homework: Decide whether it’s you or your spouse who is the more mature one…just kidding!
Real Homework: Read these timeout rules aloud with your spouse tonight and ask if you can try to put them into practice if you ever find yourself in a big argument or stalemate.
As always, if you’re stuck then don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally. I help couples reconnect every day and get back on track to having a marriage they’re excited to go home to.
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