8. Eliminate Criticism
I recently heard a challenge on a podcast that said, “Try to completely eliminate criticism from your marriage.” Criticism might be one of the greatest threats to a marriage.
Dr. John Gottman certainly thinks so. He even names Criticism as one of his “Four Horsemen” that signal that the end of your marriage may be near.
*See Gottman’s excellent book “The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work” for more on this.
Eliminating criticism doesn’t mean that you can’t disagree with your spouse. It just means that you’re not going to tear your spouse down as a person with your disagreements.
Here are 3 ways to eliminate criticism:
1. “Use a gentle startup and ask for what you want.” *Gottman
Straight from Gottman, try being nice and making a specific request rather than telling your spouse how terrible they are for not meeting your requests.
2. Focus on the positive
Every person has positive and negative characteristics. Which ones are you focused more on? Try noticing and speaking the positives rather than the negatives.
3. Use “I” statements
Rather than saying: “YOU always start a fight when we talk about money.”
Trying saying: “I’M struggling with how we can’t talk about the finances without fighting and I want us to learn to do it better.
It’s Go Time:
Do a quick Google search of Gottman’s 4 Horsemen and do a little self-inventory of what areas you need to work on.
Every day I help hurting frazzled people by walking with them as they get back on the path toward becoming who God created them to be. Shoot me an email if there’s anything I can do to help you or someone you know. daniel@danielcrosbycounseling.com